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The following activities are optional opportunities for Summer learning. Please make sure to spend time playing and enjoying the outdoors as well as spend time each day reading (or listening to an adult read).

Math Choice Board

Draw how many tens and ones are in the number 54.

Draw a picture and solve:


80 - 30 = ?

Find 24 of the same objects in your house and group them by tens and ones.

Find three circles in your home. Draw a picture of each.

Show two different ways to make $1.00 with coins.

Find three different objects in your house and put them in order from shortest to tallest.

Count how many windows and doors there are in your home. Compare the numbers with <, > or =.

Draw a picture and solve:


7 + 4 + 3 = ?

Draw a picture of what you're doing at 2:30 pm. Take a picture of the clock. Or, draw a picture of what the clock looks like at 2:30 pm.

Draw a picture and solve:


10 + __ = 16

Is this true or false? Draw a picture to prove it.


5 + 6 = 4 + 9

Start at the number 63 and count to 120 to someone who will listen.

Grab a handful of two different snacks. Count and compare each snack with <. > or =.

Draw a picture to solve:

Jon and his brother went to the store. They each bought 7 pieces of candy. How much candy did they buy in all?

Find a rectangular prism in your home.

Draw how many tens and ones are in the number 87.

Language Arts Choice Board

Think about what it would be like to have Summer all year round!

List 5 reasons why you would or would not want Summer all year long.

Go on a nature walk.


Make a list of 5 things you find!

Be a Writer!


One day a bear came
to our tent...


Finish the story!

Write your first and
last name.


What new words can
you make from the
letters in your name?

You are going camping!


Make a list of what you pack.

Use these words in a story:


hot     summer

ice cream    fun

Write and mail a letter to a friend or family member. 

Invent a new flavor of ice cream!


What is its name? What color is it?
What is in it?
Tell me everything!

Make a list of all the new words you can make from the letters

in the word fireworks.

Write down the steps of how to make a s'more!

Are you excited for the school year? Write down all of the things you want to learn!

If you could be a sea creature, what would you be? Why?

Find four words around your house. Write them down and see if you can come up with words that rhyme with them.

Act out a scene from a favorite book for your family. Ask them to guess which book it is from!

Read a book and then think of 6 questions you have for the author about the book. Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?

Write down your opinion of a book you just read. Be sure to write if you did or did not like the book. Give two reasons why.

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